Thank you, Jane...
Iseng-iseng browsing tentang Sekolah Alam di google, ketemu foto-foto koleksi Jane Hallman, salah satu guru dari Inggris yang berkesempatan mengunjungi beberapa sekolah di Indonesia Maret-April 2005. Jane dan 3 guru lainnya (Val, Andrew, Robert) kebagian jadi tamu di Sekolah Alam Ciganjur. Berbagai aktivitas dan momen selama keberadaannya di Sekolah Alam terekam melalui jepretan kamera digital-nya. Sebagian foto tersebut bisa dilihat di sini, dan selengkapnya bisa dilihat di Jane's TIPD trip to Indonesia - April 2005.
50. Jane (“I'd really like to work here!”)
in front of Spacial Needs classroom
Dari 256 image yang ada dalam koleksi foto Indonesian Trip-nya, 89 di antaranya (17-81, 84-99, 246-253) adalah foto Sekolah Alam.
Dalam jepretan Jane,
beberapa sudut Sekolah Alam ... look different!
17. Sekolah Alam - The Nature School, Jakarta
20. Sekolah alam
22. Sekolah Alam, view towards entrance/exit
23. Sekolah Alam, morning 'assembly'
24. Sekolah Alam 'assembly',
preparations for 'Outbound activities' in background
25. Sekolah Alam, free play - sand and water!
26. Sekolah Alam - play area and Grade 1 classrooms
27. computer room, Sekolah Alam
28. computer room, Sekolah Alam
32. Sekolah Alam, Admin office and students!
33. Sekolah Alam, bamboo ladder
36. Sekolah Alam group
38. Outbound activities, 5 year olds
39. bamboo bridge, grade 1 student ( ASD)
40. view from Special needs Classroom, Sekolah Alam
41. media room, Sekolah Alam
42. spider in Teachers' Room - squeaky variety!
47. view from Teachers' Room
54. freeplay, looking for insects
58. students entering school mosque for prayers,
Sekolah Alam
60. Sekolah Alam, 2nd fish pond and animal pens
61. free play
68. KG and Grade 1 classes, Sekolah alam
73. student with traditional Wayang puppet
78. Radhiet watching students inventing a 'linking' game
(including wellies!)
79. KG classroom - display tree
84. English lesson for KG students -
well, some of them are mildly interested!
87.KG class group, Sekolah Alam
93. school kitten 2
95. Angklung performance - assisted? by Mr Robert!
97. close up angklungs!
99. and another! (group photo)
251. Mimi and Nia!
Dear Vera, I was very pleased to get your email. You can use my Sekolah Alam photos - I'm glad you liked them! Your sons are very lucky to go to such a child-centred and caring school - I wish my own children had been able to have schools as good as that! I am teaching now at an Infant (3 to 7 year age group) school in Essex. My students are the youngest (3 - 5 years old) and they keep me very busy - they like to play outside most of all, but our weather is not as kind to us as it was in Jakarta! Please say hello to Yalti, Mimi, Tia and all the other teachers for me. I hope I can return to Jakarta again one day!
Best wishes